Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

The Year 5 teaching team are Miss Dwyer, Mrs Heaton and Mrs Ward. We are delighted to help your child on their journey through the engaging and challenging Year 5 curriculum.

In Year 5, we love reading! Stories, poems and factual texts help to increase a child’s knowledge of vocabulary, their ability to comprehend and help them to write their own imaginative pieces of work. Please listen to your child read regularly, even just one page of their reading book, and talk to them about what they have read and any words that they found challenging.

Every week, pupils will be given homework on Purple Mash to continue their learning experiences beyond the classroom. Please help to ensure that your child completes this homework byTuesday. The children also have access to TT Rockstars to continue practising their times tables. It is very helpful for their learning if they practice their times tables so that they know the answers quickly. If there are any issues regarding homework, or your child finds a particular piece of homework challenging, then please do not hesitate to speak to us.

We teach PE on Mondays. Please make sure that your child comes to school in the appropriate PE kit for the weather to keep them warm. It is very important that they have appropriate footwear for PE outside – like trainers or pumps.

We look forward to helping your child thrive as an independent learner. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Angles, everywhere...

Date: 03/10/2017

This week, Year 5 have been learning all about angles and we've had Sam the Dog to help us as we almost had 100% attendance last week! On Monday we reminded ourselves of the names of the different types…

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Our first week in Year 5!

Date: 08/09/2017

It's been a very busy week in Year 5 and we have been working hard on settling in to a new class routine. We have had 2 days in class and 2 days in our regular routine. This includes Maths with Mr Smith…

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Greek Pottery

Date: 27/06/2017

As part of our Greek topic, we have been creating our own Greek vases from clay. First, we looked at examples of the pottery that has been dug up over time, then had a go at creating our own designs in…

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Schools Tour De Yorkshire

Date: 16/06/2017

On Wednesday, members of Year 5 and 6 were invited to take part in the Schools Tour De Yorkshire relay. This event was a cycling relay across Yorkshire with our leg beginning at Thomas A Becket School…

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Castles of the UK

Date: 11/05/2017

As part of our topic work this term, the children have been creating PowerPoint presentations about a castle in the UK. They have researched who built it, who lived there, what it was used for and many…

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Medieval Drama

Date: 10/05/2017

Today, we went to the hall to take part in some drama activities, linked to our topic. When we got there, we did some warm up activities and then Mr Smith showed us a PowerPoint presentation about the…

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Easter homework

Date: 04/05/2017

Over the Easter holidays, Mr Smith set the children a creative task, to build a castle. The children could use whatever materials they wanted to use to make it. The best two would receive a prize. The…

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Easter Workshops

Date: 02/05/2017

Before we broke up for Easter, Year 5 invited their parents in to take part in our annual Easter egg competition. Many parents came to help their children create fantastic scenes with their eggs. These…

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Rainforest research

Date: 24/04/2017

As part of our rainforest topic, the children have created a fact file about an animal that lives in rainforest environments. They worked in pairs to choose an animal, research it, find fascinating facts…

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Tropical butterfly house

Date: 07/04/2017

Yesterday, Year 5 and 6 went to Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield to learn about the animals and plants you would find in the rainforest. We set off at 9:15 and arrived to go to our first workshop.…

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