Year 1
Welcome to a new school year on the Year One blog page.
When the children first arrive in Year One, we strive to adhere to the familiar routines of their previous Reception Class. This is because we understand that children learn best when they feel safe and secure, and they need time to settle in to their new classroom with their new teachers. Our timetable includes daily maths, English and phonics lessons. The children are encouraged to use IT confidently and safely from an early age and they also enjoy lots of physical and creative experiences including PE, music appreciation, art & DT. We encourage the children to learn through exciting and challenging activities with lots of practical and fun experiences.
We have high expectations of your child’s achievements so please help us maintain this by giving us your full support. This means regular reading with your child, encouraging and assisting them with any homework and encouraging them to have a go and try their best.
P.E. lessons in Year One are currently on Friday. Please ensure your child comes in their P.E. kit on this day. If you have any concerns about your child, educationally or otherwise please do not hesitate to ring the school office, to arrange a time where I can talk to you in a safe environment to discuss your concerns.
Thank you for taking the time to read this introduction to our blog. Our class Twitter page will be updated regularly, so please look at it often to view photographs and read about the many exciting things that your child is experiencing in Year One.