Sandal Magna Community Academy

School Times and Term Dates

School opens each morning at 8.40am for children from Reception to Year 6.

Reception and KS1 classes end of the day is at 3.10pm - their total weekly school time is 32.5 hours per week

KS2 classes end of the day is at 3.15pm - their total weekly school time is 33 hours and fifteen minutes per week

Morning Nursery children begin school at 8.30am-11.30am (3 hours)

Afternoon Nursery children begin school at 12.10pm-3.10pm (3 hours) 


You can read about school term dates for 2024/2025 here.

School will be closed to children on the following days for staff training:


Training days 2024/2025
  • Monday 2nd September
  • Friday 25th October
  • Monday 24th February
  • Monday 21st July
  • Tuesday 22nd July