Sandal Magna Community Academy

Year 2

 Hello and welcome to our Year Two page.

The staff in Year Two are Miss Brook, Ms Muff and Mrs Azam. What an exciting year we have ahead of us! Please follow our Y2 class Twitter page (@Y2sandalmagnaca) to see what we do in our learning, to find out about the exciting things which we have planned and for useful resources to support learning at home.

In Year Two, learning through exploring and being creative underpins all that we do and we adopt a 'cross curricular' approach to learning. Whenever possible, the children's lessons will be based around their curriculum studies for each half term and their reading, writing and maths skills will be applied in all subjects. The Year Two team are excited about being part of your child’s learning journey and highly value the impact which a strong parent- teacher partnership can have. If you have any questions, please see us informally any time as your drop off your child or pick them up, or if you require more time, feel free to make an appointment by telephoning the school office.

Our school day includes daily phonics, reading, English and mathematics lessons. The children in Year 2 also have a rich and varied timetable including weekly science, history, geography, RE, PE, art and computing lessons, with lots of extra experiences to help us to learn. 

Please ensure your child has the correct uniform and wears appropriate, outdoor PE kit to school every Friday (warm in winter and cool in Summer), as PE will be outside whenever possible. Your child will need to bring a water bottle to leave in school and this will be cleaned each day.  

We look forward to an exciting year working with both children and parents and welcome any questions that you may have.


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