
Our Governors are a group of volunteers which include Parents, Staff and Members of the local community. Their main role is to promote ongoing improvements in standards throughout the school. They support the Headteacher and staff in identifying and planning the school’s long-term direction and they monitor and evaluate progress. They also help to set the school’s aims and values and are responsible for staff appointments, including the Headteacher. Many of their responsibilities carry a statutory requirement, which means they are obliged by law to do certain things, such as agree the annual budget.
The Members of the Governing Body are:
Mr Darren Johnson - Chair
Mr Sam Liddicott - Vice Chair
Mrs Carol Parkin - Governor
Mrs Helen Smale - Governor
Rev David Gerrard - Governor
Mrs Sally Whittell - Governor
Mr Craig Batley - Governor
Mrs Catherine Mullock - Staff Governor
Mr Manazar Hussain - Parent Governor
Mrs Alice Metcalf - Parent Governor 
Mr Craig Elliott - Ex Officio

Everything our Governors do is in the best interests of our pupils and the wider community. We want our children to thrive and achieve their full potential and ensure that our children learn in a safe and eco-friendly environment.

Term of Office and Meeting Attendance


Governor category

Term start

Term end

Full GB Attendance 2022/23 (6 meetings)

Full GB Attendance 2023/24 (4 meetings)

Darren Johnson

Governor (Chair) 01/05/2021 30/04/2025  67% (4/6) 33% (1/3)

Carol Parkin

Governor 01/05/2021 30/04/2025  67% (4/6) 33% (1/3)

Helen Smale

Governor  29/01/2021 28/01/2025

 50% (3/6)

100% (3/3)

Craig Batley

Governor 09/05/2022 08/05/2026  83% (5/6) 100% (3/3)

Rev David Gerrard



25/11/2026  67% (4/6) 67% (2/3)

Craig Elliott

Headteacher 01/09/2020 n/a  100% (6/6) 100% (3/3)
Julie Pratt Advisor to GB


n/a  83% (5/6) 67% (2/3)

Sam Liddicott

Governor (vice chair)



 75% (4/6) 100% (3/3)

Catherine Mullock

Staff Governor



 83% (5/6) 67% (2/3)
Manazar Hussain Parent Governor  10/06/2021 09/06/2025   67% (4/6) 100% (3/3)
Alice Metcalf Parent Governor  02/03/2022 


 50% (3/6)

67% (2/3)





Joint Committee

(Quorum - 3)

All Governors, subject to eligibility and, availability. Members must not have any prior knowledge of the issue. Members will be chosen to serve on the joint committee, as follows:

  • Priority given to the Chair/Vice Chair of the hosting Governing Body unless he/she has prior knowledge of the issue;
  • other members to be chosen subject to eligibility and availability.

Appointment Selection Panel

Teaching posts on Standard Scale and Non-Teaching Staff

A panel of 3 Members comprising of: Headteacher, Chair or Vice-Chair, 1 Governor chosen in alphabetical rotational order.

Teaching Posts with TLR Points

A panel of 3 Members comprising of: Headteacher, Chair or Vice-Chair, 1 Governor chosen in alphabetical rotational order.

Deputy Headteacher

(Quorum 3)

A panel of 5 Members comprising of: Headteacher, Chair, Vice-Chair, 2 Governors in chosen alphabetical rotational order

Headteacher Appointments

(Quorum 3)

A panel of 5 Members comprising of: Chair, Vice-Chair, 3 Governors chosen in alphabetical rotational order


Constitution and Register of Interest



Link responsibility

Interest of related persons

Business interests

Craig Elliott     None  None
Darren Johnson


 Pupil Premium / SEN


Owner of Pocket Panto - donation of a pantomime performance for school each year

Rev David Gerrard    Safeguarding

Governor at St Mary's CE Primary in Wakefield

Director at St Swithens Community Centre

Vicar at St Catherines and St Andrews churches

Langley House Trust Chaplin

CoActive Arts Trustee

Area Dean of Wakefield

Craig Batley   - None Independant Educational Consultant
Helen Smale


Behaviour/Health and Safety



Julie Pratt     None None
Carol Parkin





Sam Liddicott



Children at school

Works for Sonic Wall who have a link to Dell who supply school servers


Catherine Mullock



Parent of child in school


Manazar Hussain   Attendance Parent of a child in school  
Alice Metcalf    Parent of a child in school