Schools Tour De Yorkshire

Friday 16 Jun 2017 23:00pm

On Wednesday, members of Year 5 and 6 were invited to take part in the Schools Tour De Yorkshire relay. This event was a cycling relay across Yorkshire with our leg beginning at Thomas A Becket School and finishing at Sandal Magna. 8 children set off from school and walked with Mr Smith and Miss Corbett to Thomas A Beckets When we arrived, the previous leg of the relay were just arriving. We watched as they cycled around the track, then it was time to hand over the baton.

Once safety checks and photos were taken, we set off around the track. It took a few children a little while to get going, but once we were off, there was no stopping them. We then cycled on the road, back to school. On arrival, the rest of Year 5 and 6 had come out to welcome us back. We received medals, t shirts and finally had a team photo. It was an amazing experience and fantastic to be part of something so huge!

Photos to follow.
