Sandal Magna Community Academy

Pupil Premium & Sports Funding

Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools to support pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years. It is to be used to raise the achievement and outcomes of the pupils for which the funding is intended. The school is committed to creative and innovative solutions on how such funding can improve provision, achievement and attainment for this group of children and also improve outcomes for all its pupils. This includes using the funding to impact on staffing, resources and enrichment opportunities.

For next three years between 2024 and 2027, we have planned how to spend the funding in the three year Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024/2027

Please see the annual review of the PPSS for 2022/2023 - Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021/2024 (Year 2 review) 

Please see the updated 2021/2024 PPSS - Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021/2024 (updated Sept 2022)

Please see the annual review of the PPSS for 2021-2024 - Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021/2024 (REVIEW July 2024)

In 2024-2027, the funding is to be used in the following ways:

  • High quality teaching CPD
  • Employment of Nursery Nurse in EYFS
  • Breakfast Club
  • Reading and SEN intervention resources
  • Behaviour reward systems
  • Computing Subscriptions
  • Attendance incentives
  • Enhancement of the wider curriculum
  • Subsidised trips and visits
  • Phonics Programme embedding
  • Additional Phonics Books
  • Aspirational program




Sports Funding

From September 2013, the government allocated funding directly to primary schools to support the provision of quality P.E./Sport. Each school will receive £16,000 plus an extra £10 per pupil each year. Here at Sandal Magna that will mean around £19,000 for 2023/24.

Intended Outcomes for 2023/2024

  • Improving the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. (Well planned and competently delivered curriculum with the use of coaches/teachers where required)
  • Increasing participation in PE and Sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of. (Emphasis on positive attitudes towards Healthy, Active Lifestyles)
  • Detailed PE Development plan with short and long term targets that enable all pupils (including target groups) to progress and achieve.

Current Spending 2023/2024

  1. We have employed a specialist sports coach (First Steps) to work alongside teachers and HLTAs in lessons to increase their subject knowledge and confidence in PE. The sports coach will:

    • Plan, deliver and assess high quality curriculum sessions across the year, covering a range of activities and year groups
    • Provide professional development for class teachers by working alongside them in lessons to increase subject knowledge and confidence
    • Provide good examples of planning and work alongside teachers planning high quality PE sessions
    • Audit current PE resources in school to ensure all the equipment is up to date, safe and appropriate for school PE
    • Work alongside and train both children (playground friends/sports leaders) and adults (lunchtime supervisors) in effective sports games and practice to be used at breaks and lunchtimes.
    • Organise and deliver after school inter-school sports competition through the Kettlethorpe Pyramid.
  2. PE Coordinator to be qualified in sports leadership with Sports England to have the skills to monitor the quality of PE across school including: planning scrutinies, lesson observations, working with sports coach on quality of his provision, provide professional development for class teachers by working alongside them in lessons to increase subject knowledge and confidence.
  3. Coordinator to audit current PE resources in school to ensure all the equipment is up to date, safe and appropriate for school PE and replace equipment when needed.
  4. Engage the least active pupils in after school activities. Sports coach to target children to focus on health and wellbeing in weekly twenty minute sessions.
  5. Improve the extra-curricular opportunities for children across school by offering free after school sports clubs each week from professional coaches (Sport UK).
  6. Improve the range of outdoor activities that children in KS2 can choose from by creating and maintaining a dance zone. Using music and a dedicated area to encourage children to participate in energetic activities at break and lunchtimes.
  7. Use Sport UK coaches to provide high quality sessions to Early Years pupils through the Kidnetics programme on a weekly basis for spring and summer terms.


Please see the spending and impact of the 2022/2023 Sports Premium Funding Here

Please see the spending and impact of the 2023/2024 Sports Premium Funding Here