Sandal Magna Community Academy

Year 3

Our Year 3 teaching team are Mrs Rudderham and Mrs Swailes. We work very hard to make our classroom a stimulating environment for every child in our class. Together, we ensure that all the children in Year 3 enjoy a full and exciting curriculum throughout the week. We will endeavour to share their learning with you as much as possible and will post regularly on the school’s Twitter page.

Each Monday afternoon, the class will have their weekly P.E lesson. Please ensure that your child arrives at school wearing the correct P.E kit each Monday morning. As P.E lessons are currently taking place outdoors, tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts will need to be worn. Also, please ensure your child has the correct footwear. Please check the letter you have already received. If you have any questions about this, contact school.

Reading is an extremely important part of our curriculum. Try and read with your child for 10 minutes every night and write a short comment in their reading record. This will help us to help them progress through our reading scheme.

Amazing English!

Date: 12/10/2018

Today, in English, we learnt how to use emotive language to help us sell something. Our current text is called The Little Shoemaker and we are learning how he uses language to sell his shoes. Our lesson…

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Outdoor Maths

Date: 01/10/2018

Today, we braved the wind and headed out for an outdoor measuring lesson. Using rulers and tape measures, our task was to measure the lengths of objects we found outside. In small groups we explored the…

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Mini Miners!

Date: 26/09/2018

Today, we went on our first school trip of the year to the National Coal Mining Museum. When we arrived, we went to see the pit ponies. Everyone was very impressed with Finn, who was over 20 hands high!…

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Super Scarecrow!

Date: 21/09/2018

This week, Year 3 have been designing and making our scarecrow for the upcoming festival in Sandal. Our design was produced by Hareera, and was called 'Ladybug'. The first job was making the head using…

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A New Beginning

Date: 15/09/2018

The children in Year 3 have made a wonderful start to life in KS2! During the first week, we enjoyed many activities including designing the new class blog logo (coming soon), coats of arms about ourselves…

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Angles in Nature

Date: 15/07/2018

On Wednesday, we took full advantage of the glorious weather and took our maths lesson outdoors. Our objective was to identify obtuse, acute and right angles in our environment. We began by looking for…

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Tudor Workshop

Date: 29/06/2018

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to take part in a full day Tudor workshop! Our host for the day was called John, and he was dressed like a rich Tudor man wearing leather boots and hose. When we arrived…

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Magna Science Centre

Date: 25/04/2018

Today, Year 3 visited Magna Science Centre as part of our topic on Extreme Weather. When we arrived, we spilt into groups and began exploring. There were four main areas to investigate: fire, water, air…

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Team Challenge Fun!

Date: 20/04/2018

Today, we headed out into the glorious sunshine to enjoy our latest team challenge. In our teams, we had to stand in a circle and hold hands. A hoop was then placed on the arm of someone within the group.…

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WW2 Parent Workshop

Date: 21/03/2018

Today, we invited our parents and family to come and see all of our amazing WW2 work. In the hall, we were joined by Year 4 and put our work on show. This included The Blitz newspaper reports, evacuee…

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